By train and bus
From the train stations in Salzburg (45 km) or Bad Ischl (12 km), there are direct bus connections to Strobl.
Train timetable information:
Bus timetable information:
A free shuttle service between the school venue bifeb and the Strobl bus station is available at the following times: Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
If you need it, please contact the reception of bifeb.
The walking distance between the school venue bifeb and the Strobl bus station is about 10 minutes.
By car
- Westautobahn A1 (exit Regau, Thalgau or Mondsee)
- via the Wolfgangsee federal road (B 158) – exit Strobl Ost
- approx. 1 km towards St. Wolfgang (L 116)
- turn left towards Bürglstein – after 650 m you will reach bifeb
On site you will find sufficient free parking spaces and a lockable bicycle cellar.
We offer an e-charging point for electric cars ( CEE 16A and/or CEE 32A ) free of charge (please bring the appropriate adapter with you).
By taxi
You can reach a taxi in Strobl at the following numbers +43 (0) 6137 7367 (Riedl) or +43 (0) 6137 6711 (Christof-Reisen).
Nearest airports
- Salzburg (55 km)
- Linz (120 km)
- Munich (190 km)
- Vienna (305 km)