How to get here

By train and bus

From the train stations in Salzburg (45 km) or Bad Ischl (12 km), there are direct bus connections to Strobl.

Train timetable information:
Bus timetable information:

A free shuttle service between the school venue bifeb and the Strobl bus station is available at the following times: Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
If you need it, please contact the reception of bifeb.

The walking distance between the school venue bifeb and the Strobl bus station is about 10 minutes.

By car

  • Westautobahn A1 (exit Regau, Thalgau or Mondsee)
  • via the Wolfgangsee federal road (B 158) – exit Strobl Ost
  • approx. 1 km towards St. Wolfgang (L 116)
  • turn left towards Bürglstein – after 650 m you will reach bifeb

On site you will find sufficient free parking spaces and a lockable bicycle cellar.

We offer an e-charging point for electric cars ( CEE 16A and/or CEE 32A ) free of charge (please bring the appropriate adapter with you).

By taxi

You can reach a taxi in Strobl at the following numbers +43 (0) 6137 7367 (Riedl) or +43 (0) 6137 6711 (Christof-Reisen).

Nearest airports

  • Salzburg (55 km)
  • Linz (120 km)
  • Munich (190 km)
  • Vienna (305 km)